What, Why, Who & Where?

Collage by Dar ~i~

Collage by Dar ~i~

So, you've been hearing and seeing word of this cool independent urban art and music festival. You might be wondering: What's in it for you? Why should you go? 

Here are some questions to ask yourself: 

1a. Do I like art? 

Listen, do you listen to the radio? Coordinate your clothing? Take pride in a well-made meal? Appreciate the latest model of whatever? Watch TV? Build things? If you've answered "Yes!" to any of these, then yes, you like art and you should come out. 

1b. How do I make up my mind about what to see and which events are right for me? 

Every event that is blessed enough to have a good web-worker will have a website where you can go and look at the schedule. Take some time, make a brew, get cozy, and spend a TV-series-worth of time cruising some visuals/music/videos that might just rock your world. Up Here draws the curious and the friendly.

Note: If you're worried about the music being too loud, pick yourself up a pair of earplugs. You can pick up some at Long & McQuade or your local drug store. 

2. Why should I go? 

You could be doing a myriad of things this summer, but look, winter is finally behind us, gathering dust on the spot of forgotten snow piles. Now the rivers are flowing and everything is happening at once! In the short time that we're tilted for it, we have to make the most of getting out to the events that bring us together. Just standing in front of a mural could have you meeting your new best friend who shares a love for the obscure. Or perhaps you like to dig a little deeper and get your hands dirty, volunteering for an installation artist or the another team, which will get you free shows! It's also right downtown. Remember: “When you're alone, and life is making you lonely you can always go downtown ... We can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares so go downtown. Everything's waiting for you! " 

3. Who should I go with? 

Let's face it, the reason we have more than one friend is because no one pal can fulfill all our friendship needs. Your high-maintenance pal who takes every visit as an opportunity to whine and complain about their life is certainly the one you should leave home. You'll want to hit this shindig with the kind of folks who are open to exploring new things and have a “what's next?'“ attitude. Invite a pal from out of town for a fun-filled weekend and hit the lake while you're at it. 

Having the same chronotype (early bird vs night owl) also helps, unless you don't want their competition on the dance floor. 

4. Where is it happening? 

All over Downtown Sudbury: 

  • Durham St.

  • Grand Theatre

  • Little Montreal

  • Memorial Park

  • The Townehouse Tavern

  • Zigs Bar 

5. Where can I park?

Worried about parking? There's more of it than you think. Check here and remember, most of it's free from 6 p.m. Friday until Sunday night!


Des murales vibrantes réalisées par des artistes de renommée internationale et du nord de l’Ontario pour Up Here 5


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