
A short documentary by Isak Vaillancourt


The resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement across the globe has served as a catalyst for difficult conversations about race in many cities, including Sudbury, Ontario, a predominantly white town.

This has led many individuals, some for the first time, to question their role and complicity in systematic racism–a cycle of inequality that permeates society and affects the lives of many racialized communities.

amplify is a short documentary featuring three black women and Sudbury residents who share their lived experiences and thoughts in relation to the current political climate, racial inequality, and social justice. 

director and producer
Isak Vaillancourt

guest curator
Ra’anaa Brown

special thank you to
Josephine Suorineni-Zaghe, Shana Calixte & Sonia Ekiyor-Katimi

presented by
Up Here

in collaboration with
Black Lives Matter Sudbury

Consult the full credits.


La résurgence du mouvement de Black Lives Matter à une échelle mondiale a catalysé des conversations difficiles au sujet de la race dans plusieurs villes, incluant Sudbury, Ontario, une ville majoritairement blanche.

Ceci fait en sorte que plusieurs individus, certains pour une première fois, remettent en question leur rôle et leur complicité dans le racisme systémique - un cycle d'inégalité qui s'infiltre dans la société et affecte la vie de plusieurs communautés racialisées.

amplify est un documentaire de courte durée qui présente trois femmes noires résidentes de Sudbury qui partagent leur vécu ainsi que leurs réflexions en lien avec la situation politique actuelle, l'inégalité raciale et la justice sociale. Le documentaire a été filmé au mois d'août 2020.

Production et réalisation
Isak Vaillancourt

un projet de la commissaire invitée
Ra’anaa Brown

un merci spécial à
Josephine Suorineni-Zaghe, Shana Calixte et Sonia Ekiyor-Katimi

présenté par
Up Here
en collaboration avec
Black Lives Matter Sudbury

Consultez le générique complet.


Related Projects

Quick View


ETHEREAL is a collaborative installation centralized around the theme of Black beauty, particularly that of hair. The installation was presented at Kuppajo in downtown Sudbury from August to October 2020. This zine was created by the artists as an extension of the installation.

A Black artist collective joint: Isak Vaillancourt, Ra’anaa Brown, Sonia Ekiyor-Katimi, Richard Grant.

The zine is available for free in many establishments around Sudbury and is sold here at-cost.


Here To Stay, Baby

This mural by Sonia Ekiyor-Katimi was painted for all the people who don’t fit into a neat little box of what is widely seen as normal and nice.

This mural honours the Black and Brown people of this community who have faced exclusion in their own communities. The LGBTQ2A community has also faced this type of exclusion in the community but we always survive and we will always be here.