Allow me to be human in public.

By Fatspatrol (Dubai via Toronto, Ontario)

100 Elm
August 2024, Up Here 10

Sponsored by the Glencore

Photo: Brandon Michael Gray

Artist Statement

My Mum always had us read these journey-driven books when we were kids. Jonathan Livingston Seagull, The Alchemist, The Little Prince. These existential, search-for-purpose, poetic narratives where the hero is resilient, powerful, curious, driven yet vulnerable, fearful and soft all at once. Human. We are human in our quest for meaning and purpose. In our struggles and wins. In sorrow and hope. In our innate inclination to create meaning out of the chaos and complexity of existence.

The body of work I’ve been making for the last four years I’ve called 'The Humans.' It’s my way of finding more authentic and curious ways of representation grounded in personal stories with universal notes. Individual narratives that inspire connection and transcend the boundaries of systemic categories that create separation. We are connected and together in our quest, whatever the ‘there’ is and how we move towards it.

This is the most autobiographical/ personal mural I’ve painted. But it’s about all of us.

So, allow me to be human in public.


Award-winning, 3rd-culture artist Fatspatrol’s bold graphic style— ranging from digital drawing to large-scale murals, installation and painting—is a hybrid language from a medley of influences: summers in India, comic books, artifacts and mythology, a Muslim home in multicultural Dubai, Islamic art, calligraphy, henna, and folklore. Driven by a fundamental belief in art’s ability to help heal and move the world forward, her work is personal poetry, forging connections and finding universal truths.