The Blue Moose

By Hobz (Paris, France)

Old City Hall Lane next to Respect is Burning
August 2016, Up Here 2

Sponsored by Black Rock North Media


Mr. Hobz (a.k.a. Benoit Robin) started out in the Parisian graffiti scene in the mid-1990s, and his work has since been exhibited indoors and outdoors around the world. Hobz paints creatures breaking out of wooden cages and geometric portals to other dimensions. Hobz wanted to see a moose while in Canada, so he decided to paint one — with an iconic crown which is a throwback to his graffiti roots.

Hobz takes inspiration from such varied pop-culture touchstones as Conan the Barbarian, Terminator, Supervixens and Franco-Belgian comics magazine Fluide Glacial, Hobz has developed a singular eye for unique composition. He lives and works in Paris, France.